PepsiCo Canada Will Achieve 100% Renewable Electricity Target In 2023
Every megawatt-hour of electricity used to make some of Canadians’ favourite snacks and beverages – from Lay’s, Doritos and Miss Vickie’s to bubly, Gatorade and Pepsi – will soon be matched with renewable energy from Canadian sources. All of PepsiCo Canada’s owned operations will leverage Canadian renewable energy, thanks to the company’s commitment to purchase enough renewable energy to match 100 per cent of its operations starting in 2023.
The Canadian operations transition will secure the benefits of more than 160,000 megawatt-hours (MWh) of electricity from renewable sources annually, equal to powering more than 14,000 Canadian homes per year. In addition, the shift to sourcing renewable electricity will help offset the climate impacts of the company’s electricity usage.
According to a statement, PepsiCo has set an ambition to reach net-zero emissions by 2040, and Canada’s shift to RE helps advance progress toward that global goal, with more than 70 per cent of PepsiCo’s direct operations meeting its global electricity needs with renewable sources.

Building A More Circular Economy
PepsiCo Canada will reach its target of matching its electricity consumption with 100 per cent RE this year through a Virtual Power Purchase Agreement (VPPA) with a subsidiary of TransAlta for a new wind farm in Alberta and the purchase of Canadian Green-e certified renewable energy certificates (RECs) from other Canadian wind sources.
“We’re incredibly proud to share that we’re on track to achieve our goal of sourcing 100 per cent renewable electricity,” said Chris Johnson, National Engineering and Sustainability Senior Manager, PepsiCo Canada. “This is just another step forward in our journey to build a more sustainable food system and ultimately, building a more circular economy in Canada with renewable electricity generated right in our own backyard.”
For over 111 years, TransAlta has been a responsible and credible operator and a proud member of the communities where they operate. TransAlta is one of Canada’s largest producers of wind power and Alberta’s largest producer of hydroelectric power. TransAlta helps companies like PepsiCo Canada to reach their clean energy goals.

Frito-Lay and Quaker today announced the opening of an industry-leading Greenhouse Learning Center at its R&D headquarters
On Track To Zero Waste
This comes at an exciting time for PepsiCo, as the company recently announced the opening of an industry-leading R&D Greenhouse Learning Center, a key milestone against its goal to have 100 per cent of packaging be completely recyclable, compostable, biodegradable, or reusable.
“TransAlta congratulates PepsiCo Canada for making a significant commitment to renewable energy through our Garden Plain Wind Project,” said Ross Piché, Vice President, Projects & Construction, TransAlta. “We are excited to partner with them to deliver a customized, sustainable, and reliable energy solution the company can rely on. The delivery of clean, renewable energy supports PepsiCo Canada’s sustainability goals while providing renewable electric energy to the region.”
Furthering the company’s PepsiCo Positive (pep+) journey, PepsiCo Canada will begin to replace plastic drink carriers with cardboard carriers and pilot electric fleet vehicles in Canada later this year. In addition, its direct operations are on track to achieve nearly zero waste to landfills in direct operations in 2023.