Social Media Marketing For Your Restaurant Brand: How to Create a Facebook Page

As foot and vehicle traffic is down and digital traffic is up, potential diners are more likely than ever to find their next meal by browsing social media than passing a restaurant’s physical doors.

The more present and engaging your brand is online, the better your business can target and connect with potential guests who are looking online for great restaurants in their neighbourhood to dine with.

Here’s how to get your establishment on Facebook.

GET STARTED TIP: If you haven’t before, create a personal Facebook account on Personal accounts are required even if your main intention is to have a business page as personal accounts are assigned as “administrators” of the business pages.

The Set-Up

Visit There, you’ll start by filling in the most basic information such as the page name, which should be your restaurant’s name, the page category (select “Restaurant”) and a description of your business. This could be a Facebook user’s first introduction to your restaurant, so make that description pitch count!

Create your URL/Username

Once the page is set up, you’ll be taken to a management page that looks like this.

Under where your restaurant’s name would be, in our case here “Your Restaurant’s Name,” you see a Create Username button. This username will be automatically embedded into your page’s URL, making it

Try to make your username as close to your operation’s name as possible for easy searching and memory. If your restaurant name alone is not available, consider making your username restaurantnamecity or, if your city has well-acknowledged neighbourhoods, restaurantnameneighbourhood.

Add Logo & Imagery

Next, going back to the management page, you’ll see an image circle next to your page’s name. That’s for your logo! Click the camera symbol to upload your restaurant’s branding.

You’ll also see an empty rectangle frame above the page name. That’s your header image, a perfect place to present promotional graphics or your most aesthetically pleasing, brand-relevant creative.

Add More Information

With your basic branding taken care of, you’re going to add more must-know information to your page.

In the menu on the left, scroll to and click “Edit Page Info.”

On this page, enter details such as your business’ website, contact number, location(s), service area, hours, temporary service changes due to COVID-19, price ranges and links to other social media accounts.

Invite Your Network

Now that your business is online, it’s time to tell the world, starting with your own social circles. Click the 3-dotted button under your page name (to the right) and select Invite Friends, to invite those you’ve already connected with on Facebook to follow your page.

Create Your First Post

Whether it’s today’s special, a formal introduction to your community or any other major announcement, create a post on the main page to be shared with your audience.

For post add-ons like photos, videos, contact buttons and more, click the 3-dot button for an additional pop-up menu to appear.

Once your draft is complete, the Post button will be blue and clickable. Click it and voila, you’ve just finished your first post and have entered the world of Facebook for Business!

Before you log off: Be sure to check your inbox in the left menu and respond to any comments or messages from your diner demographics!

All Facebook pages have “Message” buttons which allow users to contact businesses with their feedback or questions so keep your restaurant’s social media social; make each user interaction a two-way conversation.