A&W Canada Tackles Cup Waste with Their Exchangeable Cup Program
A&W Canada has launched ‘A&W One Cup,’ demonstrating their dedication to zero waste. ‘A&W One Cup’ is an exchangeable cup program promoting circular usage in order to reduce the single-use waste of disposable cups.
To participate, diners can purchase an exchangeable cup for $3 and bring it with them on every A&W visit. A&W takes care of cleaning and sanitizing, ensuring drinks are served in a fresh cup, and guests will receive a discount on their next purchase. This circular and exchangeable cup program is now available nationwide in A&W restaurants.

Canada contributes over a billion single-use cups to landfills each year. Recognized for their commitment to reusables and waste reduction, A&W aims to combat cup waste in landfills with the One Cup. To date, A&W has prevented over 55,000 cups from ending up in landfills since the program’s pilot launch in select Canadian markets, and they anticipate this number to grow into the millions during the first year of their national launch.
For more information, visit web.aw.ca/en/onecup.