Chopped Leaf And Darnell Nurse Team Up To Fuel Kids To Play
Chopped Leaf, the feel-good restaurant brand serving healthy food on-the-go, announced its plan to raise over $20K in donations for Free Play for Kids in partnership with Oiler’s defenceman, Darnell Nurse. The fundraising initiative taking place during the month of March invites customers to visit their local Edmonton and area restaurant to make a $2 donation.
“We are helping children in our own backyards. It is our responsibility to do what we can to support an organization that brings opportunities to those in need,” says Blair Stevens, Brand President of The Chopped Leaf. “Our brand is committed to making people feel good, and this initiative is an extension of that. We invite all our guests to make a small donation that will leave a lasting impact.”

Over 30,000 children and youth in the greater Edmonton area are living in poverty with their basic needs not being met – severely impacting their quality of life. The Chopped Leaf is encouraging guests to help by donating $2 to Free Play for Kids, a charity committed to helping youth access sport and activities.
“Free Play needs community support. 70% of our funding comes from everyday people giving a gift of $2, $5 or $10,” says Tim Adams, CEO of Free Play for Kids. “We rely on donations from Edmontonians to help us take care of kids who really need us. We are so grateful to Chopped Leaf and our program ambassador Darnell Nurse for helping build more support for the kids we care so much about.”
The Chopped Leaf is raising awareness about the need for donations to Free Play for Kids with the help of Darnell Nurse, who announced his partnership with the charity in 2021. Nurse values what sport can bring to people, and he is helping to inspire the Edmonton community to give back and help this initiative continue to grow.